Home > Privacy Notice
Oldham Church doesn't capture and store any personal information about individuals who access this Web site, except where you voluntarily choose to give us your personal details via e-mail, or by enquiring about any of our services or activities.
In these latter cases, the personal information you give us is used exclusively by Oldham Church for providing you with current and future information about our services and activities and any other services described in this Web site.
We don't pass any of your personal data to outside organisations and/or individuals, except with your express consent.
Oldham Church only monitors the IP addresses of visitors to assess which pages are the most popular. These IP addresses aren't linked to any personal data so that visitors to our site remain anonymous. Statcounter, one of our third-party webservice provider does make use of cookies, see below.
Oldham Church makes use of third-party webservice providers which have their own privacy and data-protection policies:
Aidaform - Provision of Contact Form processing and handling services
Mailchimp - Email marketing services
Statcounter - Provision of real-time web analytics service
Refuse Statcounter.com Analytics Cookies - Statcounter makes use of cookies for analytics purposes only. A cookie is a small file of letters and numbers that is transferred to your computer or device. You can choose to opt-out or refuse statcounter cookies.
You have a right to know about the personal information Oldham Church holds about you. You also have the right to have your data corrected or deleted.
Please address all your requests and/or queries about our data-protection policy to Oldham Church at our UK office by e-mail.
21st Jun 2022