Our Calling is to reach out with the Good News of the love of Jesus through ........

Celebrating God's love in Jesus, God's wonderful creation, God's gift of His Spirit, God's gifts in every person.
A worshipping, praying, valuing, empowering, anointing, releasing, accepting, engaging, healing, comforting, supporting, exciting family of people trying our best to love God and love our neighbours as we follow Jesus in the power of His Spirit.

Connecting people of all ages, cultures and backgrounds with each other, with Jesus and the Bible.
Just as Jesus made friendships and through them introduced people to God, so we want everyone to feel welcomed as they share in our worship, use our premises, meet in our homes and take part in our activities.
We want to be a reflection of the Kingdom that Jesus talked about in the Gospels. We want everyone in the local community to feel that they belong and that this is their church.
Just as Jesus opened people's eyes to the wonder of God's Word as it is set in the Bible, so we want people to connect with those words as a way of understanding what they mean for our lives, our communities and our world.

Caring for Chadderton, for the people of our community, for each other, for the world's poor.
Just as Jesus was filled with compassion for all people, particularly the poor, the marginalised, and those without direction, so we aim to care for everyone with whom we come into contact, through mid-week groups, our pastoral networks, our children's and youth work, our community activities, our safeguarding policy, our communications and out giving.

For more information go to the South Chadderton Methodist Church, Oldham website >>